
Challenge: Make a scalable app for first time parents.

Solution: Introducing Cheky, a blog-based app designed specifically for new and soon-to-be parents. Cheky provides a wealth of information and practical advice tailored to both young and older adults helping on their journey of parenthood for the first time. With a focus on scalability, the app offers a growing collection of articles, tips, and resources to guide parents through every stage, ensuring they feel informed, prepared, and supported.

Research and ideation

I discovered that many first-time parents lack access to reliable advice from siblings, friends, or parents. Consequently, there was a need for a safe and trustworthy source of information. My research led to the development of a user persona for first-time parents who seek a dependable, baby-oriented resource to guide them through the complexities of parenting. This persona represents individuals who need clear and reliable information on what actions to take, how, when and where to implement them.


In the initial design phase, I focused on creating wireframes that were highly intuitive to facilitate a fast and informative search. The design aimed to an efficient user navigation quick access to relevant parenting information.


Usability study

During the usability study, interviews and user tests were conducted where participants navigated through the app and provided feedback on their experience. The results marked key areas for improvement:

These findings indicated the enhancementes that were needed to improve navigation and user interaction.

Refining the design

Upon identifying the issues, I refined the design by enhancing the user flow to be as intuitive as possible. This involved applying design and graphic components to address the feedback.

Before Usability study

After Usability study

Hi-Fi Product

The design and concept were fully implemented, ensuring the app remained intuitive and interactive. The high-fidelity product focused on enhancing user engagement and functionality, incorporating feedback to deliver a seamless and effective parenting resource.


Responsive Designs

With the app design completed, to complement the interface I designed a responsive website with the same characteristics and usage.
